Stefano Casciani

Stefano Casciani


Stefano Casciani is an Italian writer, designer, curator and industrial consultant. He was born in Rome in 1955, and moved to Milan in 1979. At 24 years of age he was the editor of domus magazine, and at 25 he was Art Director for Zanotta. He published his first book, Mobili come architetture (Furniture As Architecture) in 1984.
From there, he progressively built his reputation as a designer, but also as one of the most renowned popularisers of international artistic culture, through exhibitions, publications and conferences on art, design and architecture, which earned him a series of important recognitions. In 2000 he received the Golden Compass Award for the RAI programme Lezioni di Design (Lessons in Design).
Casciani stood as Deputy Director of domus for several years, and since 2011 he has been a part of the Bisazza Foundation’s Scientific Committee. In the same year, with Skira, he published the volume Flâneur, an extensive collection of his writings from 1979 to today).
In 2012 he founded the magazine disegno. la nuova cultura industriale (design. the new industrial culture), a quarterly review on issues and individuals in design, of which he is the editor and director.
Since 2012 he has been the Scientific Director for the arcVision Women and Architecture Prize, awarded by the Italcementi Group.


His lamps for Oluce

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