Fernando & Humberto Campana

Fernando & Humberto Campana


Fernando and Humberto Campana, the first an architect and the second a lawyer, brazilians live in Sao Paolo. In 1989 their first exhibition ”Desconfortaveis” at the ”Arquitectura da Luz” in Sao Paolo, to be followed, in 1990 by ”Organicos” at Nucleon in 1991 by ”Esculturas” at the Pinacoteca do Estado de Sao Paolo and by, in 1993, by ”Edicao” at the Nucleon.

All have been opportunities to present their personal research on materials and projects, combining high technology and poor materials.

The Campana brothers have taken part in the most important world-wide exhibitions of brasilian design, proposing, with their work, a rare combination of formal originality and autonomy.


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