Jörg Boner

Jörg Boner

Jörg Boner was born in 1968 in Uster, Switzerland.

He initially trained as a cabinet maker and later studied design at the “Schule für Gestaltung” in Basel. He was a member of the design group N2 until, in 2001, he opened his own studio in Zurich.

Since 2003 he has been teaching at the prestigious ECAL in Lausanne. He has designed for ClassiCon, COR, Nils Holger Moormann, Normann Copenhagen, Veuve Clicquot and Wogg, to mention but a few. Many of his pieces form part of the Swiss Confederation collection at the Design Museum in Zurich, while his “pof 1” chair is in the permanent collection of London’s Victoria & Albert Museum. He won the IF Gold Design Award Germany (2006) and the Chicago Athenaeum Good Design Award (2005) for his “Dresscode” wardrobe.

In 2011, he received the Swiss Confederation “Grand Prix Design” career award. In the same year he won Wallpaper magazine’s “Best domestic design 2011”.


His lamps for Oluce

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