Sebastian Bergne

Sebastian Bergne


Sebastian Bergne was born in London in 1966. He studied Industrial Design at the Central School of Art and Design from 1985 to 1988 and then at the Royal College of Art, where he took his degree in 1990. In the same year, he opened his design office: “Bergne: design for manufacture”. There followed collaborations with Authentics, Driade, Oluce, Procter & Gamble, Vitra, Wireworks, WMF, as well as many one-man and collective exhibitions. His designs have been featured at the MoMa in New York and at the London Design Museum. He has won numerous awards, including the “Laurats Lumire 98” at the Paris Salon, and the 1999 Marie Claire Maison Prix d’excellence for the Oluce “Lid” lamp. He teaches at the London Royal College of Art.

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