Victor Vasilev

Victor Vasilev

Victor Vasilev

Victor Vasilev was born in 1974 in Plovdiv, Bulgaria. At the age of 15 his family moved to Israel. He studied architecture at the Politecnico in Milan and at the Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts in Copenhagen. At the end of his studies, he decided to stay in Milan and in 2004 started his own practice.
Collaborations with companies like Boffi, Living Divani, MDF Italia, Antrax IT, Oluce e Falper have resulted in his winning several international awards.
His design ideas are inspired by the continuous search for formal and material purity.

2012 – Chicago Athenaeum of Design ‘Good Design Award’ / CTline / Boffi
2013 – Interior Innovation Award Imm Koln / Mamba / MDF Italia
2013 – ADI Design Index / CTline / Boffi
2014 – Interior Innovation Award Imm Koln / Flaps / Antrax IT
2014 – Chicago Athenaeum of Design ‘Good Design Award’ / Flaps / Antrax IT
2018 – German Design Award / SuperLuna / Oluce
2019 – Design Plus Award _ ISH’19 / Eccentrico / Falper

His lamps for Oluce

Copyright Oluce S.r.l. Tutti i diritti riservati - All rights reserved. R.E.A. n° 863578 - P.I. 01676600156 - Capitale sociale € 364.000,00 T. +39 02 98491435 - F. +39 02 98490779 - Email:


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