Interni Milanesi – Home interiors Chapter 2

On 16 June, the Vico Magistretti Foundation Studio Museum inaugurated the second chapter of Interni milanesi – Home interiors by Vico Magistretti: four new projects setting out Vico’s idea of a home and the objects in it.

An inevitable feature in the setup, the timeless iconic lamps that the architect designed for Oluce, including Atollo, Sonora – turning 40 this year – Pascal and Dim.

Until 18 February 2017

Vico Magistretti Foundation Studio Museum
Via Conservatorio, 20
20122 Milan

Copyright Oluce S.r.l. Tutti i diritti riservati - All rights reserved. R.E.A. n° 863578 - P.I. 01676600156 - Capitale sociale € 364.000,00 T. +39 02 98491435 - F. +39 02 98490779 - Email:

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