Oluce in the “Suite Design” of Hotel Gallia Excelsior in Milan

Completely renovated, the Hotel Gallia Excelsior in Milan reopens in all its splendor.

Marco Piva, an architect in charge of restructuring, tells us: “I wanted to create a place linked to the history of excellence in the city of Milan that integrates and exalts the values ​​of architecture, design and fashion.”

With the “Katar” Suite the largest in Europe, and the other dedicated to the world of architecture and fashion in Milan. The hotel will be for travelers from all over the world, an example of style and elegance.

The “Suite Design” entirely furnished with Vico Magistretti’s designs brings the signature of Oluce to the lighting with two of its most iconic lamps: Atollo and Sonora.

Copyright Oluce S.r.l. Tutti i diritti riservati - All rights reserved. R.E.A. n° 863578 - P.I. 01676600156 - Capitale sociale € 364.000,00 T. +39 02 98491435 - F. +39 02 98490779 - Email: info@oluce.com

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