Ferdi Giardini

Ferdi Giardini


Born in 1959 in Turin, Ferdi Giardini graduated in 1982 from the Accademia di Belle Arti (Fine Arts Academy) in Turin after following a course in stage design and worked as a stage designer until 1985-86.

In 1986 he held his first one-man sculpture exhibition at the ”Franz Paludetto” gallery in Turin. His most recent one-man exhibitions, on the other hand, took him in 2000 to the ”1000 Eventi” gallery in Milan, in 1999 to the ”Carbone” gallery in Turin and to the ”Forma Libera” gallery in Barcelona Alongside this, he developed his educational activities and contributed towards creating the first areas at the service of children (”ludotheques”), in Turin.

He entered the world of design with the ”Blow” fan made of polymethyl methacrylate produced in 1997-98 by Luceplan, a company with which he also worked on other projects concerning ventilation.

He started working for Oluce on both outdoor and indoor lighting projects in 1999.

His lamps for Oluce

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