Oluce in the restyling of the Hilton Hotel in Milan

The historic Hilton Hotel on Via Galvani in Milan, recently redesigned by the THDP studio, features, among its new decorative pieces, two of the most popular Oluce products: the Sonora and Atollo lamps, designed by Vico Magistretti.

Both the large and small versions of the latter, each in the gold finish, were chosen to illuminate and embellish the reception areas, while the Sonora was positioned above a large oval table in the reading area.

The restyling of the hotel aimed to feature brands and materials that exalt traditional Italian know-how and quality, the product of skilled artisanry that the designers wanted expressly to be represented: with this in mind, the Sonora and the Atollo are true symbols of Italian design and tradition.

Sonora‘s design is one based on a pure geometric shape, the hemisphere, pursued by Magistretti like an obsession, and explored through various materials and sizes, all the way to the creation of a lamp that has remained a favourite of Magistretti himself and in which he recognised the capacity to illuminate, and above to characterize, an entire space: a sort of volume contained within another volume which is the room.

Atollo is one of the iconic symbols of the world of design, one of the very few products that everyone recognises and calls by name. Designed by Vico Magistretti in 1977, it won the Compasso d’Oro in 1979 and has since then been included in the permanent collections of the world’s most important museums of design. Its secret is probably the geometric construction of its shapes: the cone on the cylinder and above it all the hemisphere.

Photo by Beppe Raso – Courtesy of Hilton Milan (@hiltonmilan) and THDP studio.

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